5 Ways to Destress in the Digital Age

5 Ways to Destress in the Digital Age

Here are 5 ways to de-stress in the modern digital age. All things you need to know if you want to manage your mind and body in the digital age.
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Our lives are full of obligations and stressors. Whether it's work, relationships, kids, or other commitments, we're often overwhelmed by our busy schedules. When we do have a moment to ourselves, most of us reach for our devices and spend time on social media or watching Netflix. While these things can be fine in moderation, the truth is that we need to practice better self-care if we want to truly destress and feel more positive in our daily lives. Thankfully, it doesn't take much effort to start taking care of yourself! Here are five ways to give yourself some stress therapy and destress:

Eat healthy.

You should eat more wholefoods, I used to say if it’s not as mother nature made it, it’s been processed somehow ie no such thing as a burger tree. Try for a majority of of your diet as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nuts,  eliminate processed foods, sugar and refined table or kosher  salt as much as possible these aren’t your bodys friend. . And finally you need to cut back on saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium processed meats like bacon or sausage.

Satiated now? No? Well don't worry about it because we've got some more tips for you!

Exercise daily.

Exercise daily. This is a no-brainer, but we've all been there: You get stressed, and then you forget to exercise. On the flip side, though, exercise and physical activity has been scientifically proven to reduce stress hormones and increase endorphins (the feel-good chemicals in your brain). Exercise also increases energy levels and self-confidence; it reduces anxiety and depression; improves sleep quality; boosts moods; improves memory function, concentration span and focus levels.

Make time for yourself every day or every other day. Take time out each day or every other day to have some "me" time where you do something relaxing like take a bath or go for a walk outside by yourself without any distractions—this helps manage health problems and reduce stress levels significantly!

Get plenty of sleep.

Getting plenty of sleep is important for your health and wellbeing. Here are some reasons why:

  • Sleep helps you learn new things, remember what you already know, stay focused, and perform well at work.
  • Sleep helps you maintain a healthy weight and avoid gaining too much weight on the road to obesity, it can also reduce blood pressure.
  • Sleep can help people with depression and anxiety disorders feel better about their lives due to improvements in mood and mental health (as long as they don't have apnea), it’s a cornerstone habit that everyone should create if they’re interested in managing stress.
  • Sleep may also improve creativity by allowing access to unconscious ideas that would otherwise be blocked by the conscious mind during waking hours—if such a thing exists. A good night's rest could be all that it takes for some people to unlock their creative potential!

    Practice meditation and mindfulness.

    Meditation is a great way to calm your mind, to bring awareness, reduce muscle tension, rewire your thought patterns and peace into your life.

    • Meditation can be practised anywhere, at any time. It doesn’t require any special equipment or clothing — in fact, all you really need is yourself and some breathing exercises - yes, just a few deep breaths here and there can work wonders.
    • Mindfulness meditation helps you be more present in your life by learning how to focus on just one thing at a time. It can help you let go of negative thoughts and feelings so that they won’t take up all of your attention anymore — which means that if something stressful happens during the day, it won’t be as stressful for long!

      These exercises and relaxation techniques will help you become more aware of what's happening around yourself so that things don't seem like such a big deal when they happen (and even if they do).

      Put your device away.

      • Put your device away.
      • Turn off your computer and avoid checking social media for a few hours whenever possible.
      • Do something else, like spending time with friends or family, working on a project that's been on hold for too long (or one you've never started), or pursuing a hobby that isn't necessarily relaxing but still important to you.
      • Focus on something else: take care of yourself by going to bed early; learn how to cook healthy meals; walk outside in nature; meditate/reflect on life's lessons—whatever it takes to get away from whatever has been stressing you out lately.

        The more you practice good self-care, the more equipped you'll be to handle a stressful situation.

        It's important to learn how to care for yourself. It's not about being selfish; it's about taking good care of an important resource: you. Self-care is different for everyone but can be as simple as taking a nap or eating something that makes you happy. No matter what your individual needs are, the more time and energy you devote to them, the better equipped you'll be to handle stressful situations in life. And when I say stressful situations, I don't mean just work deadlines—stressors include anything from road rage on your commute home from work to watching your favourite team lose their playoff game.

        When we think of self-care, we often think of mental health (for example: meditation), but there are other areas where it comes into play—physically and spiritually as well! Taking time for yourself is important not just for how well rested or nourished or de-stressed you feel but also because it helps aligns with our values: respect and compassion towards others

        Prevention or drug-free alternative options

        If you want to give your body the edge,  need to physically recover or just feel depleted look for options that create an environment for your body to be able to cope and heal itself at the cellular level. With tens of thousands of studies wellness therapies such as Pulsed Electromagnetic therapy (PEMF), Red & Near Infra red (PBMT), Hot & Cold, Sauna & Ice Bath, Oxygen Therapy (EWOT) or just a good old massage are shown to have a significant positive effect without drugs or side effects. Places like Urban Wellness Space are popping up all over the world as people look to manage their own health and wellness.


        We hope we’ve managed to help you understand how important it is to care for yourself. As we pointed out, life is full of stressors, so the more you can practice good self-care, the better equipped you’ll be to handle a stressful situation. Then, when something does happen that causes you stress, whether it’s getting locked out of an Airbnb or being late for an important meeting, you’ll know that your body has the tools it needs to deal with it. So get out there and take care of yourself! And if all else fails, remember: It could always be worse.